All in-person gatherings are canceled f


Listed are the groups available from August-November 2024. Sign ups begin on July  14th and are available online, through the church app, in our main lobby, or by calling the church office.

Fellowship Groups

Family Grill & Chill

This group is tailored for families with preschool & elementary age kids. We will meet on a Saturday evening once a month at various homes for fellowship.

Leaders: Ronnie & Nicole Weiss, Greg & Leslie Warren

Time & Location: Saturday evenings, once a month at various homes

Childcare: Provided at group

Men's Breakfast Fellowship

This men’s group will meet twice a month on Tuesday mornings for devotion, fellowship, & breakfast.

Leader: Daylon Mooneyham

Time & Location: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays at 6:30am at Amy Jo's Country Restaurant (4600 Nash Street)

Childcare: Not Provided

Curriculum Groups

Becoming a Greater Man of God

This men’s group will use “10 Steps Toward a Better Life” by David Cooper to explore ways to enrich our faith as men of God. We will cover topics like our prayer life, spiritual growth, wisdom, maturity, peace, decisions, relationship, and success

Leaders: Daylon Mooneyham & Josh Sherrod

Time & Location: 2nd & 4th Sundays at 6:00pm at Surge (Green Room)

Childcare: Provided at church


This women's group will use Jen Wilkin's, "Better - A Study of Hebrews," to dive into a verse-by-verse
study of the Book of Hebrews. In this group, we will explore how God "provided something better for
us" in the person of Jesus Christ and how He is the fulfillment of every promise in the Old Testament.

Leaders: Heather Mercer & Leslie Warren

Time & Location: Mondays at 9:00am at Surge (Yellow Room)

Childcare: Provided at group

Biblical Citizenship

This DVD-driven group will use the “Biblical Citizenship” videos and curriculum from Patriot Academy. Being Biblical citizens requires a knowledge of Biblical principles and how to apply them to the world around us. This group hopes to restore Biblical values in our neighborhoods, state, and nation.

Leader: Vickie Bass

Time & Location: 1st & 3rd Sundays at 6:00pm at church (Rehearsal Room)

Resource: (Optional) "Biblical Citizen Class Workbook" from

Childcare: Provided at church

Every Man a Warrior

Too often, men are losing the battles of life and do not feel equipped to face the challenges they fight on a daily basis. This men’s group will use the curriculum by Lonnie Berger which is designed to help men with the essential skills needed to fight and win in life’s battles.

Leader: Scott Sauls

Time & Location: Sundays at 6:00pm (10 sessions) at Surge (Yellow Room)

Resource: "Every Man a Warrior - Book 1 'Walking with God'" (purchase through the group)

Childcare: Provided at church

Financial Peace University

FPU consists of nine group sessions that teaches participants how to pay off debt, save for emergencies, and become incredibly generous. For each session, you’ll watch a video session on your own before meeting as a group for discussion and activities that drive each lesson home.

Leaders: Josh & Whitley Lynch

Time & Location: Wednesdays at 7:00pm (9 dates) at the church (ACP Room 110)

Resource: Financial Peace University Member Kit ($79.99)

Childcare: Provided at church

Fresh Start

This video-driven group is designed to give new believers and anyone else who wants to build up the foundation of their faith an encouraging space to talk about who God is and what having a relationship with Jesus means for your life.

Leader: Scott Sauls

Time & Location: Wednesday Nights at 7:00pm at Surge (Purple Room)

Childcare: Provided at church


This women’s group will use Priscilla Shirer’s study “Gideon” and incorporate videos with group discussions. This group will encourage you to recognize your weakness as the key that the Lord gives you to unlock the full experience of His strength in your life.

Leaders: Cathy Powers & Sonya Strother

Time & Location: 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Wednesdays at 7:00pm at the church (Rehearsal Room)

Childcare: Provided at church

Grace in the Wilderness

This women’s group will study the book of 1 Peter and help participants gain a deeper understanding of its historical context. Additionally, this group will equip participants to live the Christian life with purpose and conviction, while cultivating an eternal perspective when it comes to suffering and difficulty

Leader: Sarah Ruiz

Time & Location: 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at 7:00pm at Surge (Blue Room)

Childcare: Provided at church

How to Talk with God

In this women’s group based on Joyce Meyer’s book, “How to Talk with God,” we will learn how to engage in prayer that becomes so enjoyable and effective that it becomes second nature. We will also cover obstacles to prayer and how to break the barriers into a powerful prayer life.

Leader: Sarah Mercer

Time & Location: 2nd & 4th Sunday nights at 6:00pm at Surge (Purple Room)

Childcare: Provided at church

Keeping Your Marriage Strong While Raising Kids

In this group for married couple with kids, we will learn practical marriage takeaways through a video series by Dave & Ashley Willis. Parenthood can put a strain on even the strongest of marriages. This group will help us become intentional about the choices we make as parents.

Leaders: Tyler & Amber Wells

Time & Location: 2nd & 4th Wednesday nights at 7:00pm at Surge (Yellow Room)

Childcare: Provided at church

Latino Bible Study

This Spanish-speaking group will serve as a general Bible study pertaining to various topics and serve as a means to connect Spanish-speaking people to our church.

Leaders: Adrian & Vira Marin

Time & Location: 1st & 3rd Fridays at 7:00pm at 724 Clayton Street, Rocky Mt., NC, 27803 (Marin Home)

Childcare: Not provided

Love Like You Mean It

This study for young married couples is based on 1 Corinthians 13. We will dive into how God defines and displays true love, as compared to the popular view of love portrayed by today’s culture

Leaders: Phillip & Heather Mercer

Time & Location: Sundays at 5:30pm at 6527 St. Mary’s Church Road, Lucama, NC 27851

Childcare: Not provided

Persecution - Are We Ready?

There are millions of people around the world who are being persecuted and suffering because of their bold decision to follow Jesus. We will learn about persecution through the Word of God and other’s testimonies. We will also explore how we must prepare for what may be next in our country.

Leader: Amy Johnson

Time & Location: 1st & 3rd Sundays at 6:00pm at Surge (Blue Room)

Childcare: Provided at church

Sister In Christ, I Need You

In this women’s group based on the book “Sister in Christ, I Need You,” by Shana Grooms, participants will explore how God created us to depend on each other & inspires us to do so in a way that empowers us and glorifies Him.

Leader: Rita Sauls

Time & Location: Mondays at 7:00pm (9 sessions) at church (Rehearsal Room)

Childcare: Not provided

Senior Adults

This group is a weekly Bible study & fellowship geared toward senior adults, but open to all ages. Our study will be based on “Called By God!” (part 2) by William J. Helmstetter as we look into different callings for believers

Leaders: Woody & Joan Chunn

Time & Location: Thursdays at 10:30am at Surge (Auditorium) - Starts August 22nd

Childcare: Not Provided

Waiting On the Lord, Being Still & Knowing He is God

This women’s group will address in a practical sense what it means to “wait on the Lord and be still.” We will take a deeper look at Isaiah 40, Psalm 46, and different examples in the Bible where waiting & being still was critical for what was to come.

Leaders: Crystal Coleman & Lauren Mooneyham

Time & Location: 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at 7:00pm at Surge (Green Room)

Childcare: Provided at church

Young Adults

The Heights Young Adults group exists to create a place for young adults to know God, grow in faith,
discover purpose, and make a difference! This group is for college-age or young professionals, whether
single or married. Our group nights will incorporate fellowship and discussion of faith lessons.

Leaders: Cecil & Macaella Ayers

Time & Location: 1st & 3rd Mondays at 7:00pm at Surge (Blue Room)

Childcare: Not provided

Activity Groups

Heights Worship Choir

Our choir assists in leading our congregation in worship through song on select Sundays & for special events. Anyone 16+ is welcome to join the choir. We rehearse about twice a month and sing one Sunday a month.

Leaders: Josh & Whitley Lynch

Time & Location: Select Thursdays (6:30pm) in the Rehearsal Room and select Sundays (8:30am&10:30am). Specific dates will be shared when you sign up. 

Childcare: Provided at church

Homeschool Service Projects

This group is designed for homeschool families and is geared towards providing kids time to socialize & play, but also participate in a kids-driven service project each month.

Leader: Amber Wells

Time & Location: 4th Friday of every month; locations will vary

Childcare: Not provided

Men’s Monday Night Prayer Group (No Signups Required)

This is a focused prayer group for men as they pray for various issues & needs. 

Leader: Thomas Pittman

Time & Location: Mondays at 7:00pm at church (Worship Center)

Childcare: Not provided

Men’s Tuesday Morning Prayer Group (No Signups Required)

This prayer group meets weekly for worship, devotion, and prayer at the church before heading to McDonald’s for breakfast together. 

Leader: Bob Arrington

Time & Location: Tuesdays at 6:00am at church (Office Lobby)

Childcare: Not provided


This group will divide into teams and serve as a volleyball league throughout the semester, providing a wonderful time of enjoyment, fun, and exercise while meeting new people.

Leaders: David Upchurch & Michael Moore

Time & Location: Sundays at 6:00pm at the church (Gym)

Childcare: Provided at church 

Women In Prayer (No Signups Required)

This is a focused prayer group for women as they pray for various issues & needs. 

Leaders: Crystal Coleman & Leslie Warren

Time & Location: 2nd & 4th Mondays at 6:30pm at the church (Kids Church Room)

Childcare: Not Provided