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Why Fast

If Jesus could have accomplished all he came to do without fasting, why did he fast?  Jesus knew that there were supernatural things that could only be released by fasting.  When you reflect on the life of Jesus, He reminds believers that it is our duty to practice the spiritual discipline of fasting.  Jesus provided the pattern by which we are to live as children of God. That pattern specifically addressed three specific duties of a Christian: Giving, Praying and Fasting. Jesus said, “When you give”... “And when you pray”... “And when you fast.” He made it clear that fasting, like giving and praying, was a normal part of the Christian life.

In Jentezen Franklin’s book on Fasting he said, “Could we be missing our greatest breakthroughs because we fail to fast? Remember the thirty, sixty and one-hundredfold return that Jesus spoke of in Mark 4:8-20? Look at it this way: When you pray, you can release that thirtyfold return. When both prayer and giving are part of your life, I believe that releases the sixtyfold blessing. But when all three—giving, praying and fasting—are part of your life, I believe that is when hundredfold return can be released!”  As for me, I am ready to see God do some supernatural work of His grace.  Jesus said, “some things only come by prayer and fasting.”

Some may ask, “what is fasting?”  Fasting is a spiritual discipline that is taught in the Bible. ... Fasting, according to the Bible, means to voluntarily reduce or eliminate your intake of food for a specific time and purpose.  I like what Nadia Thomas says in her article, “Christian fasting is the act of intentionally abstaining from food or a regularly enjoyed good gift from God to focus on a period of spiritual growth or deepening our relationship with God. In the act of fasting, we humbly deny the flesh to focus on and glorify God, become more in tune with His Spirit, and go deeper in our prayer life.”

Jesus gives us the simple answer; pray and fast. ... Prayer and fasting humbles us. When we deny our flesh for a period of time, it allows us to wait in faith and to trust in God for His power and might.  Prayer and fasting is a sign of our desire and hunger to seek God.We fast to grow closer to Jesus and to rid ourselves of fleshly distractions: We want to seek God’s face genuinely, not to show off or to seem better than others.

Fasting is a self-discipline of saying “no” to what our body craves and “yes” to what the Spirit of God desires.