All in-person gatherings are canceled f


Listed are the groups available from February-May 2025. Sign ups begin on January  12th and are available online, through the church app, in our main lobby, or by calling the church office.

Fellowship Groups

Family Connections

This group is for families with children from birth through 5th grade. We will meet the first Sunday of each month for fellowship, fun, and a devotion. This group is for parent(s) and kids to attend together.

Leaders: Steve & Beth Blower

Time & Location: 1st Sunday evenings at 5:00pm in the Gym

Childcare: Provided at group

Men's Breakfast Fellowship

This men’s group will meet twice a month on Tuesday mornings for devotion, fellowship, & breakfast.

Leader: Daylon Mooneyham

Time & Location: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays at 6:30am at Amy Jo's Country Restaurant (4600 Nash Street)

Childcare: Not Provided

The Apple of His Eye (for Educators only)

Educators know the unique challenges that come with nurturing minds, managing classrooms, handling difficult situations, & maintaining a healthy balance between professional and personal lives. This group will replenish you with shared words of wisdom, encouragement, validation, and inspiration through relevant and specific scriptures, as well as our own personal testimonies.

Leader: Lora Pittman

Time & Location: 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at 6:30pm at Surge (Purple Room)

Childcare: Provided at church

Curriculum Groups

Called by God

Everyone wants to know and understand God’s will for their life. This group will focus on discovering your calling and being equipped to “Make Him Known.”

Leaders: Scott & Wendy Eatmon 

Time & Location: Sundays at 9:30am at Surge (Yellow Room)

Childcare: Provided at church

Embrace Legacy (For Single Dads)

The manliest thing you can do is fight to be the father you always wanted or hoped to be.. but you don't have to fight alone. Meet other dads in a judgment-free community of men who want to help you reach your goals.

Leaders: Stephen Smith & Greg Warren

Time & Location: Sundays at 5:00pm at Surge

Childcare: Provided at church

Explore the Bible

God doesn’t just want us to read His Word…He wants us to know it and live it’s truth. This group is open to all and will explore Exodus & Leviticus. Through this study, we will be reminded that imperfect people can depend on a perfect God to lead us through whatever wilderness we face. There will be some light homework with this study.

Leaders: JoEllen Gay

Time & Location: Thursdays at 7:00pm at Surge (Yellow Room)

Resource: Explore the Bible: Adults – Winter available at

Childcare: Provided at church

Financial Peace University

FPU consists of nine group sessions that teach participants how to pay off debt, save for emergencies, and become incredibly generous. For each session, you’ll watch a video session on your own before meeting as a group for discussion and activities that drive each lesson home.

Leader: Josh & Whitley Lynch

Time & Location: Wednesdays at 6:30pm (9 dates) at church (ACP Room across from Rehearsal Room)

Resource: Financial Peace University Member Kit ($79.99)

Childcare: Provided at church

Firm Foundation

This group is focused on young and newly married or engaged couples. We will explore becoming a strong disciple of Jesus while building a strong marriage and connecting with other couples.

Leaders: Phillip & Heather Mercer

Time & Location: Sundays at 5:30pm at 6527 St. Mary’s Church Road, Lucama, NC 27851

Childcare: Not provided


This 2-part experience is made up of a 12-week small group curriculum & culminates with a 2-day Conference. This group is designed to equip believers to live the victorious & abundant life Christ came to give us by renewing our mind to God’s Word, overcoming the past, & laying a foundation for walking in daily freedom.

Leader: Scott Sauls

Time & Location: Sundays at 6:00pm at Surge (Purple Room)

Resource: Bible & “Freedom Participant Workbook” (will be provided)

Childcare: Provided at church


This group is designed for those who have lost a spouse, child, family member, or friend and are going through or have gone through the grieving process. These weekly sessions will include video from top experts on grief, discussion with group members, and direction for personal study during the week.

Leader: Frances Pipkin

Time & Location: Wednesdays at 6:30pm at Surge (Green Room)

Resource: Griefshare workbook

Childcare: Provided at church

Hispanic Bible Study

This Spanish-speaking group will take a deeper dive into God’s Word as we learn the Bible together through studying specific themes and scriptures. Our emphasis will be on how to apply these truths in our daily lives.

Leader: Nathaniel Palacios

Time & Location: Wednesdays at 6:30pm at 2606 Nottingham Road NW, Wilson, NC 27896

Childcare: Provided at church

Knowing Jesus as King

This women’s group will learn about King Jesus – His authority, His royalty, and His throne, which will last forever. We will focus on the book of Matthew as we explore why life as a disciple of King Jesus is the only path to an abundant life.

Leaders: Lauren Mooneyham, Cathy Powers, & Crystal ColemanSarah Ruiz

Time & Location: 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at 6:30pm in the Rehearsal Room

Childcare: Provided at church

LifeBuilders Essentials: Becoming Godly Men

This men’s group will explore one of the finest discipleship courses for Pentecostal men ever written as we cover 12 down-to-earth steps for becoming a Godly man.

Leaders: Daylon Mooneyham & Josh Sherrod

Time & Location: 2nd & 4th Sundays at 6:00pm at Surge (Green Room)

Childcare: Provided at church

Pray & Surrender

This women's group will use “The Daniel Prayer” by Anne Graham Lotz and “I Surrender All” by Priscilla Shirer as we focus on these two aspects of our walk with the Lord.

Leader: Heather Mercer

Time & Location: Mondays at 9:00am at Surge (Yellow Room)

Childcare: Provided at group

Reading God's Word Together

This group will be a wonderful environment where believers and new Christians can feed from God’s Word and grow in their knowledge of Him.

Leaders: Doris & Ellsworth Barnes

Time & Location: 1st & 3rd Sundays at 6:00pm at Surge (Blue Room)

Childcare: Provided at church

Senior Adults

This group is a weekly Bible study & fellowship geared toward senior adults, but open to all ages. Our study will be based on “Breaking Intimidation” by John Bevere. We will be utilizing video teaching followed by group discussion.

Leaders: Woody & Joan Chunn

Time & Location: Thursdays at 10:30am at Surge (Auditorium)

Childcare: Not provided

The 5 Love Languages

Want to know how to achieve a loving relationship that lasts? Most couples do not speak the same love language and as a result, they end up with empty love tanks. This group centers on the book, “The 5 Love Languages,” by Dr. Gary Chapman, and will help you and your spouse identify your primary love language.

Leaders: Stephen & Heather Ward

Time & Location: 2nd & 4th Wednesday nights at 6:30pm at Surge (Yellow Room)

Childcare: Provided at church

The A.C.T.S. Pattern of Prayer

How do we approach a Holy God in prayer? This women’s group will study the A.C.T.S. simple pattern of prayer, coupled with an in-depth look at the Tabernacle Prayer as modeled in the Old Testament Tabernacle.

Leaders: Crystal Coleman & Leslie Warren

Time & Location: 1st & 3rd Sundays at 6:00pm in the Rehearsal Room

Childcare: Provided at church

The Man God Uses

This men’s group will use Henry & Tom Blackaby’s book, “The Man God Uses,” as a guidebook for Christian men who seek to follow God’s will in their homes, offices, churches, and communities. Through this study, God can refine an ordinary man into an extraordinary agent of God.

Leader: Bob Arrington

Time & Location: Thursdays at 6:30pm at Surge (Green Room)

Childcare: Provided at church

Young Adults

The Heights Young Adults group exists to create a place for young adults to know God, grow in faith, discover purpose, and make a difference! This group is for college-age or young professionals, whether single or married. Our group nights will incorporate fellowship and discussion of faith lessons.

Leaders: Cecil & Macaella Ayers

Time & Location: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays at 6:00pm at Surge

Childcare: Not provided

Activity Groups

Heights Worship Choir

Our choir assists in leading our congregation in worship through song on select Sundays & for special events. Anyone 16+ is welcome to join the choir. We rehearse about twice a month and sing one Sunday a month.

Leaders: Josh & Whitley Lynch

Time & Location: Select Thursdays (6:30pm) in the Rehearsal Room and select Sundays (8:00am, 9:00am, & 11:00am). Specific dates will be shared when you sign up. 

Childcare: Provided at church

Hispanic Prayer Group

This Spanish-speaking group is the launch of a prayer group for our Hispanic congregation. We will learn how to intercede as we pray for the ministries of our church, the needs of our people, and the lost souls of our community.

Leaders: Adrian & Vira Marin

Time & Location: Every other Tuesday at 7:00pm at 724 Clayton Street, Rocky Mt., NC, 27803 (Marin Home)

Childcare: Not provided

High School Jrs/Srs

This group for high school juniors and seniors is designed to help them navigate this critical, transitional stage in life in order to grow in the Lord, grow in friendships, and equip them with the tools they need to start the next chapter of life successfully.

Leaders: Lee & Crystal Baker, Dexter & Amy Radford

Time & Location: Every other Sunday at 4:00pm rotating between the Baker & Radford homes.

Childcare: Not provided

Men’s Monday Night Prayer Group (No Signups Required)

This is a focused prayer group for men as they pray for various issues & needs. 

Leader: Thomas Pittman

Time & Location: Mondays at 6:30pm at church (Worship Center)

Childcare: Not provided

Men’s Tuesday Morning Prayer Group (No Signups Required)

This prayer group meets weekly for worship, devotion, and prayer at the church before heading to McDonald’s for breakfast together. 

Leader: Bob Arrington

Time & Location: Tuesdays at 6:00am at church (Office Lobby)

Childcare: Not provided


This group is open to beginners or experienced runners...anyone interested in developing the ability to run any distance. Our aim will be to condition the mind, body, and spirit.

Leader: Daeqwon Currie

Time & Location: Tuesdays at 5:30pm at Wilson Rotary Park (1901 Branch St NW, Wilson, NC 27893) (NOTE: Meeting times may vary during the semester depending on members’ schedules)

Childcare: Not provided


This group will divide into teams and serve as a volleyball league throughout the semester, providing a wonderful time of enjoyment, fun, and exercise while meeting new people.

Leaders: Michael Moore

Time & Location: 2nd, 3rd, 4th Sundays at 6:00pm at the church (Gym)

Childcare: Provided at church 

Women In Prayer (No Signups Required)

This is a focused prayer group for women as they pray for various issues & needs. 

Leaders: Crystal Coleman & Leslie Warren

Time & Location: 2nd & 4th Mondays at 6:30pm at the church (Kids Church Room)

Childcare: Provided at church