All in-person gatherings are canceled f



Heights Leadership Academy is a strategic pipeline for leadership development through Farmington Heights Church. This will be a year-long initial experience in which eight designated Saturdays are utilized for leadership sessions. Participants will prioritize these dates and make a year-long commitment to the process (must attend at least 6 of the 8 to complete). On the specified dates, lunch and refreshments will be provided for all participants. At the conclusion of the process, participants will receive a certificate of completion along with recognition among our church family. 
To intentionally invest in the lives of those serving at Farmington Heights Church for the purpose of creating top caliber Christian leaders who will impact our church, families, workplaces, and community-at-large for the cause of Christ.

Watch this video on why you should attend
Heights Leadership Academy:


Heights Leadership Academy participants are required to attend at least 6 out of 8 of the classes to complete HLA.
Below are the dates for 2024-2025.
August 24, 2024
September 28, 2024
October 19, 2024
November 23, 2024
January 25, 2025
February 22, 2025
March 22, 2025
April 12, 2025

Fill out the form below! The 2024-2025 HLA signups will close after July 21st, 2024. If you're filling this out after July 21st, we'll keep your contact info on file for the 2025-2026 HLA.


Here's what some others have to say about their experience in Heights Leadership Academy!

Leadership Academy came at the perfect time for us as we started working towards becoming pastors for the Church of God. We learned a variety of things in the 8 month course of Leadership Academy that I will use in every day life, work life, but also in our ministry life. During the academy we were introduced to our strengths and weaknesses, personality traits as an individual, and how others portray us as leaders. I took away a few important points during these sessions; like how to deal with controversy and conflict, how to lead different types of individuals, and how to remain consistent and trustworthy as we lead people to Christ. The knowledge and skills that I learned during the academy will be very beneficial in my work life, friendships and parenting, and also as we enter into our new season of ministers.
- Jenn Sherrod
Leadership Academy meant a lot to me. It has taught me how to be a better leader in my home life, ministry academics, and on my job. The one subject that stuck out the most to me was conflict resolution. During this session, I also learned that conflict doesn't always have to be a bad thing. Learning who I am and how I react to things also has helped me to better know others and how to talk to them. I look forward to seeing and using what I've learned to continue to mature me not only in my faith, but also to be a better husband, father, and boss at my job.
- Joshua Sherrod