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Sowing Seed

Throughout scripture God provides numerous principles that we all can use and live by
daily. When God establishes something, we don’t have to worry about it only working a
small percentage of the time. Instead, when we realize God’s design in orchestrating
things and begin to follow the principles He lays out, our lives are made better and will
seem to flow smoother. One of these principles God has established is that of sowing
and reaping

Each spring, farmers flock to the fields in order to plant crops for year. Regardless of
what they plant, farmers know that seed must be sown in order to reap a harvest.
You and I are no different. If we want to reap a harvest of any sort in our lives, we, too,
must first begin to sow seed.

However, we cannot afford to stop there. Just sowing seed will not guarantee the
harvest we want in our lives. It is vital we grasp an important aspect of the principle – we
will reap what we sow.
Just as farmers cannot plant just any seed to reap a harvest of
corn, you and I cannot just sow “anything” and reap the harvest we desire. Rather, we
must learn to begin sowing the actions, attitudes, or habits of the very thing we are
wanting to harvest.

Not only do farmers reap what they sow, but they also understand that we reap more
than we sow
. Just one seed of corn can produce several hundred kernels of corn. Our
lives are the same – if we would start sowing the kind of seed we would like to see a
harvest of, we would begin to see God’s bountiful blessings released in our lives as
never before. You see, God honors the principles He establishes. So, don’t try to make
things happen your own way – that’s where frustration, worry and stress originate from.
Instead, submit to God’s way and play by His rules. That way, you will be rewarded by
Him and He will get all the glory!

“...For whatever a person sows he will also reap”
Galatians 6:7

Scott Sauls
Administrative Pastor