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Serving Others

Serving others, those two words can take on many different meanings.  In todays society we typically think of a server at a restaurant or an employee at the local store, we think their job is to serve us, give US what we want when WE want it.  

The thing is the Bible didn’t call us to be recipients of others serving, but to be the server.  The Bible tells us in John 12:26 “Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be.  My Father will honor the one who serves me.”  To call ourselves true followers of Christ we must make serving others a priority in life.  Now don’t be confused that doesn’t mean you have to wait on your family hand and foot, that means that you look for ways to lighten others burdens.  Serving others can be as simple as helping a neighbor carry in the groceries or as easy as giving a donation of blood to the Red Cross.  

Being a servant means giving something of yourself to help others.  Giving of your time, giving of your abilities, giving of your means or giving up of your desires to benefit someone else.  Here at Farmington Heights we have made it our goal to PRAY, REACH & SERVE in this coming year.  If we want to reach others we have to first serve others and to serve others effectively we must serve God whole-heartedly.   

When I think of serving others I am reminded of Mother Teresa, she made it her life mission to serve The Lord and others.  This prayer was her guide in her daily life and we should make it ours as well.

Oh Jesus, You who suffer, grant that today and everyday I 
may be able to see You in the person of Your sick ones 
and that, by offering them my care, I may serve You.
Grant that, even if You are hidden under the 
unattractive disguise of anger, of crime, or of
madness, I may recognize You and say, “Jesus, 
You who suffer, how sweet it is to serve You.”
Give me, Lord, this vision faith, and my work will
 never be monotonous.  I will find joy in harboring the 
small whims and desires of all the poor who suffer….
Lord, increase my faith.  Bless my efforts 
and my work, now and forever.

-Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Wake up each day looking for ways to shine the love of Christ in the world by serving someone other than yourself.

- Lauren Mooneyham